Drawing Robot
AACC Mechatronics Capstone Project, January-May 2022
My goal was to get an ABB IRB 120 industrial robot to draw a picture using multiple colors of dry erase markers. I designed, 3D printed, and developed the marker changer attachment for the robot. I also programmed the robot with assistance from my partner. We programmed the robot to draw the AACC riverhawk logo, Ukraine, as well as a line art drawing.
This Website
Personal Project, Ongoing
I developed this website from scratch in HTML because I found the website builder options lacking in customizability and simplicity. This website is my first, and I taught myself HTML and CSS as I wrote it.
Light Cube
Personal Project, February 2020
This 5×5×5 LED light cube was inspired by one I had seen at AACC. The cube is powered by an Arduino Nano connected to shift registers to handle the additional outputs. I first built a smaller and rougher 4×4×4 cube, and its effects were programmed by modifying the byte sent to the shift registers mathematically. The larger and cleaner 5×5×5 cube included drawing functions to make programming the effects easier.